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Model-Based Design (MBD) & Internet of Things (IoT) tutorials for ESP32

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These tutorials use a project-based learning approach and real-life examples. All projects are connected to one another, so please do them in the order presented. These will teach you about:


1.Basic Model-Based Design (MBD) workflow

2.How to deploy MATLAB to low-cost powerful embedded hardware (ESP32)

3.Integrate Internet of Things (IoT) with MBD


Before starting, it is recommended to go through these resources.


1.MATLAB Onramp

2.Simulink Onramp

3.Stateflow Onramp


The following software will also be required:


1.Matlab (Release R2020a or later), which must include:


b.Matlab coder

c.Simulink coder

d.Embedded coder


2.Waijung 2 for ESP32 (How to get Waijung 2, Waijung 2 installation & activation)  


Basic MBD learning roadmap



Learning objectives



Road safety warning light

1.How to create a simple Simulink model

2.Model-Based Design (MBD) workflow

a.How to use ESP32 and its pins

b.How to simulate the model (Software in the Loop - SIL simulation)

c.How to deploy the simulation model to hardware (ESP32)

d.How to run simulation with real hardware (Hardware in the Loop - HIL simulation)

e.How to deploy as a Stand Alone (SA) device



Basic traffic light controller

1.How to use Stateflow to model an event-driven system

2.Using Stateflow and Simulink together

3.Display multiple signals in Scope

4.More about MBD workflow (SIL, HIL, SA)



Temporary traffic light controller

1.How to use Stateflow to model a more complex event-driven system



Temporary traffic light controller with manual dip switch

1.What is a DIP switch

2.How to interface with a DIP switch

3.How to use Stateflow to model a more complex control system



Temporary traffic light controller with automatic distance sensor

1.What is I2C

2.How to interface with a distance sensor using I2C

3.How to use Stateflow to model a more complex control system



Basic IoT learning roadmap



Learning objectives



Control algorithm design for Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) input to Light Emitting Diode (LED) output

1.How to model reading LDR in Simulink

2.How to model driving LED through LDR input in Simulink

3.How to use Simulink Dashboard components to aid visualization



Hardware in the Loop (HIL) simulation for Project 6

1.How to read LDR using Waijung 2 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) block

2.How to drive LED using Waijung 2 Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) block

3.How to monitor signals and tune parameters in real-time using HIL simulation (External Mode) with real hardware (ESP32)

4.How to use Simulink Dashboard components to control parameters in real-time



Control LEDs from a webpage

1.How to configure ESP32 as a web server (Access Point - AP mode) for control application

2.Understand how to develop HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to control on-chip hardware peripherals

3.How to store web pages in ESP32’s internal memory (SPIFFS)

4.How to use Waijung 2 to deploy Simulink model to a web server

5.How to make the ESP32 a Stand-Alone web-based controller



Display ADC reading and voltage drop of LDR sensor on a webpage

1.How to configure ESP32 as a web server (Access Point - AP mode) for data acquisition application

2.Understand how to develop HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to display embedded system status on a webpage

3.How to make the ESP32 a Stand-Alone data acquisition device



Complete web-enabled embedded controller for LDR and LED control

1.Combine all the previous knowledge to create a complete web-based control system using Waijung 2 and Simulink

2.How to store data to non-volatile storage so that the system starts up with the same settings as before


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