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HTTP server block

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How this block appears in a Simulink model?


What can be configured?

HTTP server setup block


Configuration Parameter

Selectable Option/Value


Protocol type


Select protocol that runs on the server

Certificate source

From PC--From SD card

Select from where the server certificate and the private key are loaded from for HTTPS

Server cerificate path (.pem)


The full path to the server certificate. This will be appeared when the protocol is HTTPS

Private key path (.pem)


The full path to the server private key. This will be appeared when the protocol is HTTPS

Enable wildcard


Enable or disable wildcard. By enabling this, server accepts multiple uri s in a single handler

Port number


Specify the port number which the server operates

Core ID


Select which core the server should operate

Stack size


Specify the stack size for the server task

HTTP post handler block


Configuration Parameter

Selectable Option/Value


Name of the handler


Specify the name for the current handler. When multiple blocks are used, It should not be repeated.



Specify the uri for the handler. In case the enable waildcard for this handler is enabled specify the base uri here.

Enable wildcard for this handler


Enable or disable the wildcard for this current handler.

Number of requests

1 to 12

Number of requests handle using the current handler. This will be always 1 when the wildcard is false in HTTP Server Setup block.

Output request data


Enable this option to get the POST request body from the output port.

If request is


Specify the request to be handle (POST request body)

Compare the whole request


Compare the POST request body with the specified partially or fully

Set header type


Select the correct data type of the response data

Serve data from

SD card--Static text input--Dynamic text input

The data source. Whether the response data from the sd card or static text from the mask text box or dynamic text from input port

File location


Full file path. This option is enabled when the data is served from the SD card

Contains .gz compressed files


Check, when the files are gz compressed files

Text input


This enables when the data is served from a static text input. Insert the data on the text area


Port Name

Port Type

Date Type


Res for Req



Data transmitted to the server

HTTP get handler block


Configuration Parameter

Selectable Option/Value


Name of the handler


Specify the name for the current handler. When multiple blocks are used it should not be repeated.



Specify the uri for the handler. In case the enable waildcard for this handler is enabled specify the base uri here.

Enable wildcard for this handler


Enable or disable the wildcard for this current handler.

Number of requests

1 to 12

Number of requests handle using the current handler. This will be always 1 when the wildcard is false in HTTP Server Setup block.

Request buffer size


The size of the data buffer for the receive data can be set from here

If request is


Specify the request to be handle (uri)

Compare the whole request


Compare the request uri with the specified partially or fully

Set header type


Select the correct data type of the response data

Serve data from

SD card--Static text input--Dynamic text input

The data source. Whether the response data from the sd card or static text from the mask text box or dynamic text from input port

File location


Full file path. This option is enabled when the data is served from the SD card

Contains .gz compressed files


Check, when the files are gz compressed files

Text input


This enables when the data is served from a static text input. Insert the data on the text area


Port Name

Port Type

Date Type


Res for Req



Data transmitted to the server

WebSocket Received Frames Handler block


Configuration Parameter

Selectable Option/Value


Name of the handler


Specify the name for the current handler. When multiple blocks are used, it should not be repeated.



Specify the uri for the handler. In case the enable wildcard for this handler is enabled specify the base uri here. E.g., /ws

Data type


Select the correct data type for the receiving messages.

Buffer Size

1 to 12

Select buffer size for the receiving messages


Port Name

Port Type

Date Type





Message received to the server

WebSocket Frames Response Sender block


Configuration Parameter

Selectable Option/Value


Name of the handler


Specify the name for the current handler. When multiple blocks are used it should not be repeated.



Specify the uri for the handler. In case the enable wildcard for this handler is enabled specify the base uri here. E.g., /ws

Data type


Select the correct data type for the receiving messages.

Number of clients (max)

1 to 12

Specify the maximum number of simultaneously listening TCP connections


Port Name

Port Type

Date Type





Message transmitted to the server

When to use this block?

HTTP server setup block

Use this block for the application which need to implement a custom http server using ESP32.

HTTP post handler block

This block is used when there are POST requests from the client.

HTTP get handler block

This block is used when there are GET requests from the client.

WebSocket Received Frames Handler block

This block is used when there are WebSocket messages from the client.

WebSocket Frames Response Sender block

This block is used when there are WebSocket messages to be sent to clients from the server.

How does this block work?

HTTP server setup block

This block will initialize the http server with the given configuration.


HTTP post handler block

This block handles the POST requests from the client. Before using this block, first initialize the server using HTTP server setup block. The data to the input ports should be in string format.


HTTP get handler block

This block handles the GET requests from the client. Before using this block, first initialize the server using HTTP server setup block. The data to the input ports should be in string format.

Demo 1

Demo file : esp32_http_server_demo.slx



This demo shows how to use HTTP server setup block, HTTP get handler block and HTTP post handler block by using the custom html web pages. Addition to this blocks, the WiFi block is used to initialize the WIFI in AP mode to access the http server and SD card block is used to initialize the SD card to serve the files (.html, ,css and .png).

Note : First copy the Simple_GET_POST.7z and extract the files to the SD card and insert in to the ESP32 module.

This example is compatible for hardware that allow SD card mount.

What should be happening?

Once the WIFI is initialize WIFI in AP mode use the following information to connect to the ESP32.

IP :

SSID : Test_http_server

Password : 00000000

Once the IP address is accessed using the web browser, the web page is as below

Action: On page load


The client will sends GET/POST requests according to the button

Load image button : Show an image from the SD card using GET method


Send POST Request button : Send POST request to to server and shows the response data in the text area


Next page button : Redirect to another html page using GET method


Source files : Simple_GET_POST.7z

Demo 2

Demo file : esp32_http_server_demo_2.slx



This demo shows how to use HTTP server setup block, HTTP get handler block and HTTP post handler block by using the custom html web pages. Addition to this blocks, the WiFi block is used to initialize the WIFI in AP mode to access the http server and SD card block is used to initialize the SD card to serve the files (.html, ,css and .png). ADC block is used to read analog voltage measurement from GPIO36. Connect a potentiometer to GPIO36

Note : First download the line_graph.rar and extract the files to the SD card and insert in to the ESP32 module.

This example is compatible for hardware that allow SD card mount.

What should be happening?

Once the WIFI is initialize WIFI in AP mode use the following information to connect to the ESP32.

IP :

SSID : Test_http_server

Password : 123456789


Once the web page is loaded, the ADC Reading graph will be plotted the data according to the reading from the GPIO36 as in the following figure.


Source files : line_graph.rar

Demo 3

Demo file : esp32_http_server_demo_3.slx



This demo shows how to use HTTP server setup block, HTTP get handler block, WebSocket Received Frames Handler block and WebSocket Frames Response Sender block by using the custom html web page. Addition to this blocks, the WiFi block is used to initialize the WIFI in AP mode to access the http server and SPIFFS block is used to initialize the SPIFFS to serve the files (.html, .css and .js). ADC block is used to read analog voltage measurement from GPIO33 (Connect a potentiometer to GPIO33) and DAC block is used to change the brightness of the LED. (Connect a LED to GPIO26).


Note: First download the websocket_data.rar and extract the files to the computer and select the folder path in SPIFFS block.

What should be happening?

Once the WIFI is initialized, WIFI in AP mode uses the following information to connect to the ESP32.

IP :


Password : password

Once the IP address is accessed using the web browser, the web page is as below.


There’s a range slider in a card that can be moved to set the brightness of the LED.

In the card, there is a paragraph to display the current LED brightness (in percentage).

The client sends the slider value to the server via WebSocket protocol.

When a new position for the slider is set, it updates all clients (if multiple web browser tabs are opened (or multiple devices), they update almost simultaneously whenever there’s a change).

And there is a chart to display data of ESP32 ADC pin (GPIO33) which is connected to a potentiometer over time.

To build the chart, the plotly library has been used.


Source files : websocket_data.rar

Copyright 2024 Aimagin Co.,Ltd. Rev.1670