2 May 2023
1.MODBUS block: to communicate between the ESP32 and MODBUS slave via RS485 standard.
2.SD card info block: to extract information about SD card such as total memory and free memory.
3.SD card log file system: to log data with the given number of files with the given file size.
4.JSON block: create the JSON packet using the given key and value pair.
5.Support state names for output ports of the following blocks in Stateflow.
a.WiFi Setup block
6.Output to state block to convert output signal to Stateflow state name.
1.Modified SNTP block to update date/time using input ports.
2.Modified UART block to configure baudrate on-the fly.
3.Optimized MQTT block receive buffer.
4.Fixed the pull-up and pull-down issue in Digital input block.
21 Feb 2023
1.Added ESP-NOW block with long range mode: exchange data between multiple ESP32 boards via ESP-NOW's connectionless communication technology.
2.Added AWS IoT Core block: publish and receive data to & from Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT core which utilizes MQTT protocol.
3.Added MQTT block: publish and receive data using MQTT protocol and MQTT Client software. Available over both TCP and TLS connection types.
1.Upgraded to ESP IDF 4.4.3.
2.Optimized the build process to reduce build time by >25%
3.Fixed the negative time error in java when using the Thai calendar.
4.Improved the SPP-BLE block to send and receive string buffer.
5.Improved the UART block to receive raw buffer.
6.Improved the UID read block to output MAC addresses of various network adapters.
1.Added AXI memory map block.
1.Modified the UART block to optimize the Rx buffer
2.Fixed the typos in demos in GPIO demo.
3.Fixed the GPIO interrupt issue when no pin is selected in Digital Input block.
16 Dec 2022
1.Added BLE blockset
2.Added Deep Sleep block
3.Added Encoder block
4.Added HX711 block
5.Added External Mode over Serial functionality to ESP32
6.Added PIL Mode over Serial functionality to ESP32
1.Checkout the features here.
20 Aug 2022
1.Added Camera blockset
2.Added XCP block
1.Improved the Basic Custom Code block
2.Improved and optimized External Mode communication
28 April 2022
1.Added SPIFFS Block
2.Added Volatile Storage Block
3.Added CAN Bus Block
1.Enable the capability to use WiFi Setup Block with External/PIL Simulation mode
2.Updated the SQLite3 Database Block to save database data in SPIFFS
3.Updated the HTTP Server Block to serve data from SPIFFS
4.Updated the String processing block to support string pointer
5.Capability to update the ESP32 partition table in Waijung2 Target Setup Block
6.Fixed pop up warnings in MATLAB 2021b and 2022a
7.Fixed PIL and External mode compiling issues with Matlab 2021a and 2021b
18 February 2022
1.Support Processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulation with WiFi (AP or STA mode)
2.Added Basic Custom Code Block
3.Added IRQ Custom Code Block
7 February 2022
1.Support ESP-IDF 4.4.
2.Support ESP32-S3, ESP32-S2 and ESP32-C3.
3.Support External mode with WiFi (AP or STA mode).
1.Optimized C code generation.
2.Improved error handling.
3.SQLite3 Block: Updated to the latest Sqlite3 library and improved User Interface.
23 November 2020
1.LEDC Block: To generate PWM signal for LED control.
2.MCPWM Blocks: To generate PWM signal for motor control.
3.Circular Buffer Demo.
4.A mechanism to force code generation in C.
1.The new operation mode to Target (added in waijung2_20.11a) is modified to let the user stream the video feed to either Simulink or Aimagin Connect webpage after processing it within the Target itself. A new demo is added to depict the said features.
2.Optimized the HIL Block for higher data transfer rate.
4 November 2020
1.Capability to upload and monitor the program using ESP-IDF Visual Studio Code Extension
2.A serial monitor Matlab app.
3.New blocks
a.HTTP Server Block: To convert the ESP32 to into a web server that serve custom web pages
b.Circular Buffer Block: A circular buffer. is used for buffering data streams.
1.Waijung2 now support from Matlab R2018b upwards
2.The SQLite Block has been modified to support data input from Circular Buffer Block
3.A new operation mode to Target has been added to the Camera Block that would enable the user to process the video feed within the ESP32 itself. The following new blocks have been created to support this operation mode
a.Image Concatenate Block
b.Memory Block
4.Real time information will be shown in the Diagnostic Viewer when compiling and uploading model files to ESP32
5.Configurable sample time is reduced from 10ms to 1ms
6 October 2020
First release.