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Waijung 2 User Guide

Navigation: Zynq-7000 target


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Waijung 2 C code compilation and downloading to target processes are achieved by involving the tools which are provided along with Xilinx Vitis IDE. Therefore Xilinx Vitis IDE and Vivado design suite need to be installed before using the Waijung 2 blockset for ZYNQ7000. Waijung 2 requires Xilinx Vitis and Vivado 2020.2 to compile and download the application to the target successfully since the blockset was developed using Xilinx Vitis 2020.2 libraries . Please follow the steps state below to download and install Xilinx Vitis IDE and Vivado design suite 2020.2


Step 1: Go to Vitis Archive

Step 2: Go to 2020.2 version




Step 3: Scroll down until Xilinx Vitis 2020.2: All OS installer Single-File Download link is appeared and download the file. This will be around 43 GB. You need to have an user account to download this file.



Step 4: Once it is downloaded, extract the file and run the setup file


Step 5: Click Next >



Step 6: Select Vitis as the Product and Click Next >



Step 7: To reduce disk space used, you can uncheck UltraScale and UltraScale+ options in this page if necessary. Then click Next >



Step 8: Check I Agree for license agreement and terms and conditions. Click Next >



Step 9: Select the installation directory and click Next >



Step 10: If a folder named Xilinx is not available in the installation directory specified, you will be prompted to automatically create one. Click Yes and click Next >



Step 11: Check the installation summary and click Install.



Step 12: Once the installation is finish successfully, add the Digilent Board files to the Xilinx. Please follow the steps below.

1.Download the from here

2.Extract the zip file

3.Copy all the content inside the digilent_board_files folder to the [Xilinx install folder path]\Vivado\2020.2\data\boards\board_files


Once the installation is finish, download and install Waijung2 according to here.

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