This tutorial demonstrate how to use Waijung2 ESP32 block set to conduct testing with Script Testing.
Script testing with Simulink involves writing test scripts or code snippets using MATLAB scripts or functions to automate the testing of Simulink models. The test scripts can be used to execute Simulink models, simulate various scenarios, and verify the results.
Here are the pros and cons of script testing with Simulink:
Pros of script testing:
•It can help automate the testing of Simulink models, especially for complex systems that require extensive testing.
•It enables you to run the same tests repeatedly and consistently, which can improve the accuracy and reliability of the testing process.
•Script testing can be executed quickly and efficiently, which can save time and effort compared to manual testing.
•It can be used to test different aspects of the Simulink model, including model functionality, inputs, outputs, and parameters.
•MATLAB provides a rich set of built-in functions and tools for Simulink testing, which can simplify the testing process.
Cons of script testing:
•It may require specialized skills and knowledge in MATLAB programming and Simulink modeling, which can be a barrier for some testers.
•Script testing may not detect all types of defects or issues, especially those that are difficult to anticipate or test automatically.
•It may require additional resources, such as hardware, software, and testing tools, which can increase the cost of the testing process.
•ESP32 development board
•USB cable
•Waijung2 ESP32 blockset installed in MATLAB/Simulink
•Basic knowledge of MATLAB/Simulink
•Waijung2 ESP32 UART Setup block
•Waijung2 ESP32 UART Rx/Tx block
How to conduct automated simulation testing using Script files.
TC001: Testing Setup block whether generated C file consist with the expected configurations
Generate result text file or error messages.
•Create a new script file (Ctrl +n) and use following commands to create the test model.
function uart_setup_block_verification(modelname)
% Insert your model name
if nargin == 0
modelname = 'uart_setup_block_verification_model';
% create and open the model
•Use following commands to add blocks.
% add the blocks
add_block('esp32_device_config_lib/Waijung 2 Target Setup',[modelname '/Waijung 2 Target setup']);
set_param([modelname '/Waijung 2 Target Setup'],'position',[365,171,545,269]);
add_block('esp32_uart_lib/UART Setup',[modelname '/UART Setup']);
set_param([modelname '/UART Setup'],'position',[335,314,580,436]);
•Use following commands to get path to blocks.
% path to the block
target_setup_block = find_system(modelname, 'MaskType','esp32_target_setup');
uart_block = find_system(modelname, 'MaskType','esp32_uart_setup');
•Use following commands to set parameters to the Waijung2 Target Setup block.
% disable lib link to target setup block
set_param(target_setup_block{1}, 'LinkStatus', 'inactive');
% set target setup parameters
waijung2.setMaskValue(target_setup_block{1}, 'buildoptions', 'Generate code');
waijung2.setMaskValue(target_setup_block{1}, 'esp32target', 'ESP32');
waijung2.setMaskValue(target_setup_block{1}, 'esp32flashsize', '4MB');
waijung2.setMaskValue(target_setup_block{1}, 'esp32comport', 'COM5');
% restore lib link to target setup block
set_param(target_setup_block{1}, 'LinkStatus', 'restore');
•Use following commands to set parameters to the Waijung2 UART Setup block.
% number of configurations
[configurationrowmax,~] = size(Parameterset);
% disable lib link to uart setup block
set_param(uart_block{1}, 'LinkStatus', 'inactive');
for i=1:configurationrowmax
% set uart setup parameters
waijung2.setMaskValue(uart_block{1}, 'uartmodule', Parameterset{i,1});
waijung2.setMaskValue(uart_block{1}, 'uartmode', Parameterset{i,2});
waijung2.setMaskValue(uart_block{1}, 'baudrate', Parameterset{i,3});
waijung2.setMaskValue(uart_block{1}, 'databits', Parameterset{i,4});
waijung2.setMaskValue(uart_block{1}, 'parity', Parameterset{i,5});
waijung2.setMaskValue(uart_block{1}, 'stopbit', Parameterset{i,6});
waijung2.setMaskValue(uart_block{1}, 'txpin', Parameterset{i,7});
waijung2.setMaskValue(uart_block{1}, 'rxpin', Parameterset{i,8});
waijung2.setMaskValue(uart_block{1}, 'flowcontrol', Parameterset{i,9});
waijung2.setMaskValue(uart_block{1}, 'rs485rtspin', Parameterset{i,10});
% restore lib link to uart setup block
set_param(uart_block{1}, 'LinkStatus', 'restore');
•Use following command to open waijung2 target setup block mask, which required to auto-update the available COM port
Note- Connect ESP32 before running the script file
% open target setup block mask
•Use following command to Save the model
% save the model
•Use following command to build the model
% build the model
•Create a text file using following commands
%Create txt file to write configuration data
resultfile = fopen('uart_setup_verification_results.txt','w');
% write a title to the text file
fprintf(resultfile,'|UART Setup Block Configurations Validation|\n');
•Enter Expected results to the text file using following commands
% write configurations to the text file
fprintf(resultfile,'Configuration Set %d\n',i);
fprintf(resultfile,'UART Module: %s\nUART Mode: %s\nBaudrate: %s\nDatabits: %s\nParity: %s\nStopbit: %s\nTx Pin: %s\nRx Pin: %s\nFlowcontrol: %s\nRS485 RTS PIN: %s\n ', Parameterset{i,1},Parameterset{i,2},Parameterset{i,3},Parameterset{i,4},Parameterset{i,5},Parameterset{i,6},Parameterset{i,7},Parameterset{i,8},Parameterset{i,9},Parameterset{i,10});
•Find the path to configurations in the generated files
% file path to open generated configuration file
fullFileName = [pwd '\' modelname '_esp32\' modelname '.c'];
fid = fopen(fullFileName,'rt');
•Extract the data from the generated file to text file
% write a title to the text file
fprintf(resultfile,'Verification Results from generated source files \n');
% Extracting configuration data from Generated files to text file
idx = 1;
copydata = 0;
while true
thisline = fgetl(fid);
if ~ischar(thisline); break; end %end of file
% finding starting line of configuration in source file
if contains(thisline, 'void uart_setup_ver_model_initialize(void)')
copydata = 1;
% finding end line of configuration in source file
if contains(thisline, '[EOF] ')
copydata = 0;
if copydata == 1
% writing source file data to text file
fprintf(resultfile,'%s\n', thisline);
idx = idx +1;
Result text file: uart_setup_verification_results.txt
1.Commands for a model
% Insert your model name
if nargin == 0
modelname = 'new_model';
% Create and open the model
% Open the model
% Close the model
% Save the model
% Build the model
2.Commands for a block
% add block & set position
add_block('esp32_device_config_lib/Waijung 2 Target Setup',[modelname '/Waijung 2 Target setup']);
set_param([modelname '/Waijung 2 Target Setup'],'position',[335,16,570,129]);
% delete block
delete_block([modelname '/Constant']);
% add line
add_line(modelname,'In1/1','UART Tx/1');
% delete line
% get the path to a block
target_setup_block = find_system(modelname, 'MaskType','esp32_target_setup');
% get parameters
build_option = waijung2.getMaskValue(target_setup_block{1}, 'buildoptions');
% set parameters
waijung2.setMaskValue(target_setup_block{1}, 'buildoptions', 'Generate code');
% get parameters for non-waijung block
3.Commands for a Test harness model
% load harness
% rebuild harness
sltest.harness.rebuild('spi_ver_top/Model', 'spi_ver_Harness');
% set code interface to model reference for PIL
set_param('spi_ver_Harness/Model','CodeInterface','Model reference');
% save harness