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Waijung 2 User Guide

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Feedback Control Tutorial with RC circuit and Waijung 2 for ESP32

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1.Help students grasp the practical use of feedback control theory through hands-on experiments with real-world tools.

2.Simplify mathematical concepts.

3.Incorporate tangible hardware components.

4.Introduce advanced methodology, specifically Model-Based Design (MBD).

5.Explore web-based control.

6.Minimize the emphasis on complex mathematics and programming.

Project Overview

In this project-based learning tutorial, undergraduate students will learn about feedback control systems using an RC circuit as a plant model. The tutorial will guide students through the process of developing a mathematical model of the RC circuit, simulating the plant and controller models using Simulink, designing a PID controller using root locus and frequency domain methods, and implementing the control system using Waijung 2 for ESP32. Students will also learn about Model-Based Design (MBD), hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing, and creating a standalone model with a web interface to adjust PID gains and display time-series responses.


1.Matlab (Release R2020a or later) with the followings toolboxes and blocksets:


b.Matlab Coder

c.Simulink Coder

d.Embedded Coder

e.Control System Toolbox

2.ESP32 development board with SD card module (FiO Glide ESP32 Starter Kit)

3.RC circuit components (resistor - 82kΩ, capacitor - 10µF)

4.Breadboard and jumper cables

5.Power supply or batteries

6.SD card


1.Developing the Mathematical Model of the RC Circuit

2.Simulate RC circuit in Simulink

3.RC Circuit Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) Simulation

4.RC Circuit Controller Design

5.RC Circuit Controller Implementation

6.RC Circuit Actual System Implementation with HIL Simulation

7.RC Circuit Stand-alone web-based controller


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